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Autism Research Paper Outline

Autism is a neurological disorder that can mildly, or severely, impair a child’s communication and social interaction. It can usually be diagnosed before the child is three, and is a prevalent disorder in today’s society. Due to the widespread effects of autism, there has been a significant amount of research done on the disorder, leading to many advancements in the medical field, as well as a better understanding overall.

If you are preparing to write a research paper on autism then you need to follow a strict guideline for the successful completion and accurate portrayal of your arguments. Research papers, no matter what the subject, are still academic papers that follow a standard set of guidelines. Here we will explore these guidelines in an attempt to ensure that your autism research paper is a success.

Outline of a research paper

Since research papers have a general and universal outline, the parts are fairly simple. There is an introduction, a body, and a conclusion for each research paper. We will explain each of the parts below.


The first part you will begin with is an introduction. This should be a hooking sentence that will then lead to your thesis statement. The hook can be some astonishing fact that you will tie into your paper later, or it can be a quote about autism to stir a more emotional response in your reader. When you get to your thesis statement, this will be the entire point of your argument – the point you are trying to make in the paper with all of your supporting facts.


The body is going to be separated into the various arguments that are both for, and against, your position. If you are arguing that autism is generally a male disorder, then you should make all of your statements in here and back them up. Additionally point out some arguments against that theory, but work to disprove them through additional facts. Providing all of your research findings, and data is done in the body as well.


The conclusion of your autism research paper should summarize all of the various points you made in your argument into a few short sentences. Additionally, as a rule of thumb, you should end with a restatement of your thesis. The supporting topics and thesis at the end will hopefully help convince the reader to agree with your argument, or will simply help them further understand the topic that you were discussing.
