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Case study tips: telling an interesting story

A case study should be more than just facts, research and statistics. There should also be a story to tell. In psychological studies, the individual involved in the study has a story to tell and writers are encouraged to tell that story to the public. Because of this, a case study is encouraged to be structured like a story many times. This does not only allow for a fluid case study, but also attracts more readers by catching their eye.

Examine the problem

Every story needs a villain. In a case study, that is the problem being experienced in the case study and the reason for the case study. The story's goal is to overcome the villain, or, in this case, find a possible solution for the problem. Describe the problem in great detail as to give the reader a sense of what the individual is facing.

Discuss a proposed solution

Every story also needs a hero. The hero of the story would be the one overcoming the problem. Interviews and details about the individual being studied and showing their progress is similar to seeing a hero overcome a monster. Describing how the hero would possibly overcome the problem is the point of the case study and seeing if they succeed or not is all part of the story. Proposing how to help the hero succeed in the future is also part of the story.

Discuss the results

Did the hero succeed? This is the part of the study where you discuss the results. Was the study successful? What is the next step? What research supports the results and the study? What have you proved? These are all things to include in the study and the conclusion to the story.

In Conclusion

Formatting a case study similar to a story is useful in catching a reader's attention and making sure your study is fluid and clear. Only when the story is clear and fluid is a case study strong and successful. Formatting the study like a story is also useful in adding humanity to the study which in the psychological field what we desire to understand. Understanding of the human brain and how it works and how an individual overcomes problems is the goal of psychology in general and what a psychologist strives for. Providing a story provides the understanding and humanity a psychologist desires.
