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How To Write A Book Analysis

For those who simply wish to help the next person accurately decide whether or not to purchase particular books, you probably would love to understand how to write a book analysis which reflects the correct voice yet without offering too many intricate details of the book. If you’ve been charged with writing these for your college class, you will definitely need to know the proper format which is required. Regardless of your motives for writing book analyses, we’ve conjured some tips to consider.

Organize Thoughts

Once you’ve read the particular titles which you’ll review, the vital first step consists of correctly organizing your thoughts to reflect someone with knowledge and understanding enough to be considered an ‘authoritative’ source for accurate reading. The outline should look like this:

You may entertain writing a skeleton outline which has these basic headings and then jot down some notes to assist in your rough draft writing. Once you’ve organized the outline, the content is easy to fill.

Nailing Down Styles

Writing your non-fiction analysis is the hardest part to master when learning how to write a book analysis. You need to take slightly different approach since the characters are real and you could potentially be subjected to lawsuits for using names incorrectly. Fiction analyses are easier since the characters are not real, thereby leaving no innocent people to protect when writing reviews. Once you have figured out the correct angle to take when writing, you’ll be golden.

Compelling Ending

The evaluation section is meant to give your personal account of the book, what characters played the biggest roles, and how you personally reflected on characters. Perhaps throw in some information how the book made you reflect on your own life and changes you could make, if any were merited. Once you are completed, make sure to edit, format as per your professor’s requirements, and check through Paper Rater or some similar online plagiarism checker.

In Closing

Your book analysis could either compel people to shun particular book titles, or want to read it immediately; the direction people choose to take depends on you. If the book was genuinely terrible, make sure you’re honest; more importantly, make sure you are also pointing out positive traits of the book so as to not appear biased.