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MIT Thesis Guidelines

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology is one of the most competitive and illustrious educational institutions in the United States, and is respected around the world as a bastion of technological innovation and intellectual rigor.

If you are a student at MIT, you are familiar with the school’s challenging environment and high standards already. If you are working on an honor’s thesis or graduate Master’s thesis as this institution, you are probably a bit worried about meeting the school’s expectations and earning passing marks. Before embarking on writing your thesis, you should be mindful of the school’s guidelines. Here’s a quick primer on what MIT expects out of its students’ thesis papers.


Your thesis should begin with a properly-formatted title page (see your school’s handbook) and an abstract page. The abstract should be centered and begin two inches down the page, and should summarize your thesis project in a paragraph less than half a page long. Make the abstract a general overview of your paper, and write it in a cogent, interesting manner that anyone can follow.


The first chapter of your thesis is the introduction. In this section, you should recapitulate the existing research on your topic of choice. Write a general, brief overview of the topic that lasts several pages. Follow this by another subheading and a more specific exploration the current research on your topic, and your research question in particular. Cite numerous resources and provide the reader with a great deal of background information.

Methods and Materials

In this second chapter to your thesis, describe how you will go about tackling your research question. Define your research methods in an objective, procedural fashion that the reader could replicate if necessary. Provide citations for all the materials you have borrowed from other researchers.


In this section, you should describe what your research has revealed. Do not delve into heavily theoretical commentary in this section. Instead, describe what you found in a highly specific way that is mindful of the methods you used and their limitations. If you are using an unfamiliar or novel statistical methods or analytic techniques, explain them and provide citations.


Finish your paper with a broad analysis of the results you have gleaned. Remind your reader of your central research question and why it is important, and speak in a theoretical, higher-order way. Then restate your actual results, and indicate whether your findings were compatible with your predictions or not. Form some general conclusions about your topic based on your results, and point out any flaws or limitations to your work. Finally, suggest a few new studies that expand on your line of work.
