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Brainstorming New Research Paper Topics in Nursing

Brainstorming as a way of coming up with new research paper topics in nursing can be tricky. Unless you have the right key words or trigger words you might be struggling. And if you are looking for something which is new then unless the people anticipating in the brainstorming are aware of them, they won’t suggest them.

So yes by all means try brainstorming but beforehand go through some current nursing journals and look for new topics in that regard. When you throw in two or three of these to the brainstorming session all sorts of terrific new ideas can spring up.

You are in luck because medicine and nursing in particular is changing on a regular basis. When there are new guidelines and rules for the handling of patients, when there are new drugs and new surgical procedures being introduced, it is not hard to find lots of new research paper topics in nursing. A simple online search for new nursing research paper topics will leave you impressed with the choice available.

But remember you should always try and look for a unique angle on your research paper. You see there are many new topics in nursing and as they become popular, students tend to gravitate towards them and your teacher or professor is dealing with a rash, if you'll pardon the pun, of research papers on a particular topic. So try and find a different approach to any one of these new search paper topics. A modern topic is new and exciting but written about in an unusual way or from a different angle is even more interesting.

Here are a few suggestions. Remember that a unique angle on a common topic can make a world of difference to your writing.

  1. What is today's role with nurses in dealing with chronic illness?
  2. How has nursing patients with dementia changed in recent times?
  3. What are the various career paths for nurses today?
  4. How has the training of nurses changed in recent times?
  5. What can nurses do to push prevention being better than cure?
  6. Has the role of the modern nurse changed today?
  7. What do nurses need to know about patient safety?
  8. How have nurses reacted to violent patients?
  9. Are nurses today required to have more skills and the more knowledge?
  10. Is it easier today for nurses to work in different countries?