Most people who can write graduate level assignments have grasped the general outline expectations, thereby making the research and perfection of their grammar the only immediate concern which we addressed above. Since many people consult online graduate writing help guide for assistance in perfecting their papers, it should come as little surprise these same individuals who find their assistance are always performing well in their remaining studies.

Research Proposal Approval Process

There are many reasons to write a research paper. In high school you may get an assignment to write a research paper on a specific topic. In college, you may be required to complete a detailed research paper as part of your course, or an independent research paper as part of your major requirements. In order to get a doctorate, you may be required to do a research paper in preparation for your dissertation, which is the ultimate research paper. In certain professions, such as scientist, professor, or in a think tank it may be part of your responsibilities to write a research paper on certain topics. In certain incidents you need to get approval to write the research paper, or conduct the research on which the paper will be based.

Usual cases

In most situations you are given the topic by your teacher, professor, or employer. In high school, the assignment is specific about a topic, and you are given strict guidelines about how to compose your research paper. In college, most of your courses have specific topics and general regulations about how to write your paper. As an employee, your employer may present an issue they want a research paper completed on, or wants some in-depth research and study leading to a paper.

Topic options

In some cases, the assignment is very broad. When this happens there is an informal process to get started on your research paper. In high school, you must present a topic to your teacher for approval. Depending on the requirements of the class, the topic can be specific or broad. In most classes in college, you are able to choose your own topics for your research papers, as long as it falls within the boundaries of the subject matter. Some professors will require you to get the topic approved before you start your research.

In depth approval

There are limited instances when you need a more structured approval for your paper. In high school your teacher may require a detailed outline of your topic and your research. In college, your professor may want a complete layout of what your paper will accomplish, along with routine updates throughout your research prior to submission of the final draft.

When you are attempting to do your dissertation, there are specific steps that you must undertake. You must prepare a dissertation prospectus and present it to a committee. The committee will review your proposal. Once you have gotten the approval you can commence your research or scientific study. In some companies, if you have an idea for research or scientific study, you need to prepare a detailed proposal and present it to your employer for approval, most likely a written portion and oral presentation combined.

Special case

If any research project deals with any potential invasion of privacy for our research subjects, including drug testing, oral histories, and interviews, you may need to get approval from an Ethics Committee, either at your school or through the government.