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Civil War In Congo

The horrific war between the people in Congo has been going on for hundreds of years. The battles were first documented in the 1600’s and there have been waves of war every since. With very few years often in a steady decline ever since.

When it comes to the Civil War in Congo, it is tragic and heart breaking. However, the wars and battles between a government and its people have rarely been recorded as over when themselves documented peace since the beginning of the Civil Wars in Congo, the civilians suffer. It is a common occurrence that the people of Congo could just be walking down the dusty paths of their African community and stumble across the dead body of one of the rebel force. The rebels are fighting for the freedom and safety of the community members against an abusive and forceful government. It is a dark situation for the civilians and the rebels alike.

It would be tragic to live in horror, and fear on a daily basis for a finite amount of time; however, the Congolese people have been living in a vortex of violence and struggle for a very long time. It is recorded that over the years there have been over 5,000,000 people killed during this series of conflicts. With all of the fighting and killing, you would think that there was a solution that could potentially be met. However, it does not seem to be likely that either side of the war will ever reach its desired goal. The government wants the civilians to “fall in line” and do as they are told without question. The civilians and rebel forces want freedom and safety. There is no compromise that either side is willing to make, and therefore, the battles and deaths increase as time goes on. There was a short moment in time where it seemed as though there was going to be a change in the environment in 2006, however, the elections that were promising change resulted in the return of power to their previous leader, and the country has been in a steady decline ever since.

When it comes to the Civil War in Congo, it is tragic and heart breaking. However, the wars and battles between a government and its people have rarely been recorded as over when the government “wins.” It always seems to continue until the rebels and groups against the government “win.” It would be ideal for them to find a less bloody way for the Congolese to achieve success and safety for the civilians; however, they have yet to find an alternative way to battle the government.